Website Languages of


HTML 5 LogoThis website was created with HTML5 and CSS3. So should preferably be viewed in a modern browser that supports these languages, as are the Chrome 31, Firefox 26, Opera 18, Safari 7 or Internet Explorer 11.
In Internet Explorer 9 some CSS3 features are not available, so the viewing experience is not as rich as in the aforementioned browsers. You can see it in IE 8, but will lose a lot of the visual impact, so I do not advise viewing in this old version of IE.


Javascript LogoThis site uses Javascript to provide more dynamic interaction with visitors, so you must have Javascript enabled in your browser (is active by default).
The components used on this site are based on a combination of Javascript with CSS. In addition to the components themselves, Javascript is used in many situations to achieve certain functionality or perform certain verification.

Microdata LogoI use metadata embedded throughout the website through Microdata with the vocabulary.
I chose Microdata as semantic markup, since Microdata is part of HTML5 and the vocabulary is supported by the major search engines.
Besides information from Microdata I also use a robots.txt file and a sitemap.xml file to help the search engines crawlers to find the information on the site.
And since the Internet is essentially made from and to people I also use a humans.txt file to help humans easily find information about the site and its creator.


No Flash LogoI do not use Flash on any functionality of this website. All features are the product of the combination of Web standards: HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript.
With the emergence of HTML5 and CSS3 and Javascript frameworks, there is no longer need to use Flash to provide more daring designs and animations to sites previously only possible using Flash.
With most modern browsers to support HTML5 and CSS3 there is no need for a plugin (Flash) to create something that the Web standards can by itself, and without the negative consequences of Flash, particularly in terms of SEO.